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Available now for pre order. Delivery March 2025.


A beautiful French variety of Ranunculus which is extremely vigorous variety and  absolutely stunning! The Amandine series have large blooms, and are generally more heat-tolerant than other varietes so they flower a little later in the season. Perfect for summer bouquets, weddings and summer bedding/containers. 


Blooms come in lemon,  soft tangerine and  peach hues making a beatiful assortment. 


Classification: Half Hardy Perennial 

Site: Funn Sun 

Soil: Neutral/Acid

Mosture : Well Drained 

Expert Level:  Medium 


When to Plant: April - June 

How to Plant French Ranunculus: Soak the claws in  water for 3-6 hours so that they plump up and re hydrate. 


For best result pre sprout the claws :  Fill a flat-bottom seed tray half full  with moist compost. Place the claws with teh tenticles pointing downwards  onto the soil and cover them with 1 cm of soil over the top. Leave the tray in a cool place  at  4°C–10° for 10 to 14 days checking them every few days, making sure the soil is moist but not soggy and remove any corms that show signs of mold or rot. ( They may need protection from rodents as they love to eat them )


Once the white rootlets start to appear  and the first sets of leaves start to form they can be planted in their final locations. Plant  in pots or beds with plenty of  organic fertilizer 15 - 20cm appart. 


Height: 30-40 cm
Flowering period: Summer 

Ranunculus Pastel Lemon

  • Ranunculus will be dispatched in March ready for spring planting. 

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